Caravan Clubs
and caravan owners clubs

Caravan Owners Clubs
Sprite Sterling Swift Caravan Owners Club

We are friendly club supported by our manufacturer and we are geographically divided into 8 areas which covers the whole of the UK.
Well over 100 rallies are being held this year within our 8 areas, this gives members the opportunity to visit other parts of the country whilst on a club rally. Our rallies vary from organized weekends full of activities and quiet weekends just lazing around, if you wish to join in the choice is yours.
Each of our areas supports a local charity of their choice throughout a given year, in the strive to help others less fortunate than themselves.
Link to club website The Sterling Caravan Owners’ Club – Membership costs £18 per calendar year per household. A reduced price membership is available covering only June to December (£9).

Would like to join
Marilyn bsll 25 August 2014
Would like to join the email forum
Marilyn bsll 9 June 2014
We are an Adult Only Camping in the Lot/Dordogne, South West France. If you would like a calm and tranquil holiday where you can de-stress completely, Stuart and I look forward to welcoming you to Lacomte.
Sheila & Stuart Coe 10 July 2012
As you know, de Sprite Caravans are imported also in the Netherlands.We decided to buy the Sprite Europe 460,specially for the typical warm Britisch design, and the long tradition of caravanbuilders in the UK.This new caravan produced in Cottingham Uk conquered our hearts.We understood that Sterling and Sprite do have the same models,but only another name.Now I am looking for an Englisch Caravanclub where Sprites and Sterlings are united.Is there someone who can give us an address, so that we can share experiences?Thank you very much.
With friendly greetings
Daniel Smink
Daniel Smink 6 February 2011