Caravan Clubs
and caravan owners clubs

Caravan Owners Clubs
Buccaneer Owners Club

Formed in 1970 by a group of enthusiastic Buccaneer owners. The club is now national and has members in all parts of the UK.
The Club provides members with:
· A varied programme of rallies both within the UK and abroad
· Social functions
· News Bulletins
· An opportunity for exchanging ideas, tips and solutions
Membership of the Buccaneer Owners Club is open to owners of a Buccaneer Caravan or Motor Homes, either produced at the original factory at Full Sutton by Buccaneer Caravans Ltd., or by the Explorer Group.
The annual membership fee for Members and Rallying Associate Members is £15.00
The annual membership fee for Associate Members is £7.50

Please add a comment or club notice.
I have a 1996 buccaneer cruiser ek, very good order everything works, alko hitch, 4 brand new tyres on buccaneer alloys, all skylights re sealed, full size awning.
for sale. make me an offer
ronnie bailey 17 June 2021
I have a buccaneer elan 15 1999 I am having trouble with the side lights not working And I can not get the water running . I am very new to this van and unsure how to fix the problems I would be great full for any suggestion
Thank you Gary
Gary Simpson 10 August 2019
Hi I’ve just brought a buccaneer elan 15 1994 but i do not have a manual for it please can someone help me
shaun simmons 24 April 2019
Hi all I need the bed layout in saloon for my 1999 Buccaneer Schooner as I always had problems trying to make up saloon bed thanks Rob Young.
Rob Young 17 January 2018
I have just purchased a Buccaneer Caravel 2013 but the chest of draws from the front are missing there is a seat there instead . can any one help me to get a set of draws
correen long 16 August 2017
You will find details on the Club’s website.
David 28 July 2017
I have just got a 12/2 Buccaneer Elan 1986. I am thinking of joining the owners club. Do you have a caravan pennant and car badge? This is a 2nd van as I also have a Carlight Continental twine axle also..
John Shelton (old landy john) 16 July 2017
Buccaneer caravan 4 wheeler breaking for spares All parts available.
Heidi Butler 26 February 2017
has anyone changed the fluid in the Alde heating in a 2013 buccaneer fluyt
Steve 16 February 2017
Hi I have just bought a Buccaneer Elan 15EK 1996 model. We love it to bits and have only used it once up to press. The bathroom sink has a hole in the bowl so water leaks down the unit onto the floor !!!! Can anyone point me in the direction of a replacement bowl and how do you get it off!! Thanks in advance.
Glyn Brind 21 September 2016
Would anyone know if there is a fusebox for the road lights on a 1987 Buccaneer Elan 15 as I have indicators, brake and fog lights which work but the front marker and til lights do not work any more and I’ve replaced the bulbs and swapped them around so I know the bulbs are ok except front and rear are lifeless. I’ve been told to look at the fuses but where if any? Thanks for any help as she who must be obeyed has rolled up the sleeve on her rolling pin arm….
Adrian 6 September 2016
Hello Hi. I have just bought a buckaneer cruiser 1990. There was no manual with it and I am struggling to find one. Can anyone help. photocopies or email would do. Would be glad to pay for postage etc
Carol 14 May 2016
hi there bought an 05 buccaneer caribbean its needs some rubber trim for the toilet door etc anybody know which type i should buy theres loads on the market to choose from?
william husband 5 March 2016
Buccaneer Caribbean 16 1993.4 berth end bathroom. Chris reg. Contact for further details.
County Durham
TrishDoolan 3 March 2016
can anyone tell me the correct size of awning needed for a buccaneer Caribbean 2006. The manufactures say 956cm but isabella say 975cm. is this correct? please advise
charles needham 14 February 2016
Could anyone please tell me where I can purchase drawer runners and window seals for my 91/92 Elan 14 Thanks
Chris Armstrong 4 February 2016
Hi, I am thinking of purchasing a 2011 Buccaneer Caravel, what should I look out for and does anyone know if this van had any recalls.
Ashley Baker 5 January 2016
I am looking for a skylight for a Buccanneer Cruiser. Don’t know the age but guessing 1990 ish or a replacement that would fit it. It is 4 berth with end bathroom.
Lynda Miles 31 October 2015
Reply to no. 85 I have the Fluyt with the same led light and the switch for mine is at the end of the aluminium strip that holds the bulbs under the locker
jackie 25 August 2015
Purchased 2012 buccaneer clipper. Where is light switch for led below front overhead locker that lights pull out table above drawers
Kerry 22 August 2015
Op’s forgot to mention the Buccaneer Schooner is a 2008 model which could effect the technical details/ information I am requesting.
Stewart Baker 17 August 2015
just purchased a Buccaneer Schooner – can anyone advise how to remove the fitted microwave oven which is not working , also where is the 12Volt fuse housing located.
Stewart Baker 17 August 2015
Hi all, I bought a 91 elan 14 last year as my first touring caravan and I absolutely love it, I bought a full awning but with only my daughter and I using the van it’s too much to put up every time we go away, I’m now looking at a porch awning instead but am a bit concerned about what type I should look at regards rail height and going over window ect, any thoughts would be gratefully appreciated
caroline 28 July 2015
Hi I have an 1989 Élan 14 luxury Touring van and the bathroom vent came off at the weekend, it’s internal dimensions are 38×38 will a 40×40 cm fit as can’t find an original to fit…?.
Alexander 6 July 2015
Hi we have just purchased a buckaneer elan 15 94 model we have one light in shower area that won’t light help in solving this little problem would be appreciated have checked fuse it seems ok it’s just this one light out three that won’t work
stephanie 28 June 2015
Hi all we have a 1999 schooner, with angled cushions and have never been able to put up the front double bed properly.cushion wise any help would be great .alsomy peziolight has stopped working ,any ideas thanks Rob/Lim.
Limbury1 28 May 2015
hi would a 325 awning fit a buccaneer elan 15 2 berth ive forgot what lenght the caravan is thanks
joy 13 May 2015
Does the charging unit on Elan 14 have a switch on it? Where is the unit situated? The battery is not charging whilst on hook-up.
Carol Bestwick 9 May 2015
Hello. I took delivery of my 2015 Cruiser in March. The van has more than a few faults but the worst by far is the upholstery supplied by Leisure Furnishings Ltd. I have already had a replacement set but these are equally as bad! Is anybody else with a 2015 model having similar problems?
Carl Jones 18 April 2015
I am enquiring if anyone knows where I can purchase 22mm rubber conecting hose( top and bottom) that connect the central heating system to the 230 volt pump and heater(joined)for Alde 2923 Comfort any help with this matter would be much appreciated.
yours sincerely
len waterhouse 17 April 2015
Need a battery box door for a Buccaneer Caravel 1990.Can someone tell me where I can buy one
paul reynolds 4 April 2015
Hi I have a 1986 buccaneer clipper and the a-frame gas bottle locker is missing it’s lid could someone tell me where I could get a replacement or a box that would fit
Terry 30 March 2015
Elan 14 for sale. 1997. Perfect cond. Cris reg. Full Isabella awning. Northumberland. Caroline 0781 5031792
Caroline 12 March 2015
with chasis no 12 0 87
christopher goodale 6 March 2015
hi just bought a buceneer elan 12 with serial no 87bu125585 could any one tell me how old it is kind regards chris
christopher goodale 5 March 2015
Hi I have recently purchased a 1991 Buccaneer Caravel 4 berth and I need a roof light but unsure of what size or where to buy can anybody help please
Martin Topham 1 March 2015
I have a 2014Buccaneer Fluyt with jardin upholstery which stains and marks will clean water. Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Malc Grogut 6 February 2015
I have just bought Buccaneer Caravel 1997 dont know anything about them cant find anything on internet for 4berth of this yr.Are they well made caravans?
Cheryl Stewart 13 December 2014
hello I have a 2008 clipper and we are getting mice in the front overhead cupboards any idea how they are getting in…
Barry jones 23 November 2014
hello I have a 2008clipper and we are getting mice in the front overhead cupboards would anyone have any idea how they are getting in…
Barry jones 23 November 2014
Where is the in-line 25 amp battery fuse on my 1996 Elan 15?
Alan Temple Gough 17 November 2014
Having difficulty reversing our 1993 Buccaneer carabian the brakes come on and it won’t move there dosnt seen to be anything to stop this please help
Fiona ayto 20 October 2014
Does anyone know where I can get an exterior bottom trim rubber for Élan 15 2006?
Dave DuCros 19 October 2014
deos any body know were i can get a rooflight fora buccaneer ela 15
allan hodgeon 8 September 2014
Can anyone tell me where I can get a replacement jockey wheel complete for a Caravel 2012 as I have damaged mine, bent (long story)
Gary Lawless
Gary Lawless 26 July 2014
Hi. Does anybody know where I can purchase a high level brake light for a 1998 Buccaneer Elan 15 EK. It’s about 39cm long. Thanks Bill
Bill Brown 11 July 2014
I have just purchased a 2001 buccaneer cruiser 3 berth. I was wondering if anyone could give some advice on how to set up the double bed. Thanks
Pamela Lundberg 30 June 2014
hi I have just bought a 1989 buccaneer elan 15/2 and was wondering where can I get a owners manual from
iain crook 18 June 2014
Hi –
Unfortunately I’m in a position where I need to sell my much loved 2004 Buccaneer Caribbean . It comes complete with a motor mover , all the essential items and a few other bits. I’ve recently had the caravan serviced and it was given a clean bill of health. I’m looking at selling for £5995, much less than you would find on a dealer forecourt and I’m situated in Hampshire . If anyone is interested or knows anyone who may be interested please do not hesitate in contacting me – Thanks James
If you are interested post a reply and I'll put you in touch with James.
James 9 May 2014
just bought a buccaneer but need to find the year as i need a front rhs window 23” x 28”,if anyone could help me with how to tell year or even better the window i would be eternally grateful as this is stopping me using it,many thanks ,Gary
gary 27 April 2014
Re my last request it now transpires that the caravan is a 1999 model Carribean Avantgard 2000 model the request for handbook and wiring info still holds true thanks.
Barrie Clapp 19 April 2014
Hi all I have just purchased a Buccanear Carribean Avantguard year 2000, but have no Handbook can anyone advise a source as I really really need the electrical drawings for this van urgently.. many thanks.
Barrie Clapp 18 April 2014
Just purchasedy my second new Buccaneer Scooner and I am very very disappointed with the finish. Lights and pump not working, drawers not fitting/ running properly and the finish is very tacky. The after sales has been not existent to the point they have not responded to letters sent recorded delivery . I will not be purchasing from them again
Sue Williams 12 April 2014
questions 31, 34 & 35.
I have just bought a 1994 Elan 14 without a manual, has anyone a spare or a copy I could buy. Thanks Pete
Pete Bush 4 April 2014
Does anybody no why my buccaneer schooner is blowing the main fuse of the caravan site,would it be that the battery is not that good could somebody help
Lee reynolds 17 March 2014
After posting my previous message (above), the winter set in and I put the sale of my 1993 Buccaneer Elan 14 on hold. I am still keen to sell this lovely and well loved caravan if there is anyone out there who is interested.
Chris Hammond 10 February 2014
Hi all, I have just bought a 1998 Buccaneer 2 berth. There are no instructions and im a beginner at caravanning.
It has a Zig c f 2000 charging system,but dosnt tell you where to plug in the mains to charge it. I have a 13amp socket outside on one side and a round towing type socket on the other.Can anyone tell me,or even better a photo or scanned copy of a manual. Thanks Brian.
Brian Harrison 4 February 2014
I have recently purchased a 2004 buccaneer Caribbean which I am delighted with. It needs new tyre and I have an idea that the tyres on it are incorrect. Anyone confirm what size tyres should be on it please. Thanks
Mick Wellman 28 January 2014
I have a well-loved1993 Buccaneer Elan 14 for sale (only 3 previous owners inc me) It is in good working order, clean with unmarked upholstery, and comes stocked with cutlery, plates, toaster, kettle, etc and small lightweight porch awning. Also mover, and original manual. Can you please suggest a reasonable price I should ask. Viewers are very complimentary about its condition, but put off by its age. Any advice appreciated.
Chris Hammond 18 November 2013
can anyone please tell me the size awning for caravelle 1989/90. the van is in devon so I cannot measure it, thank you
peter robinson 30 October 2013
Hi mr Andrew re problems with the Hosana upholstery we have 2013 buccaneer clipper and have just had to have it reupholstered due to excessive wear and degrading
Alan 25 September 2013
any idea what the paint colour code [cream]for a can of spray paint would be for a 92? buccaneer carribean 16 and who might have it please?
peter 23 September 2013
Hi recently purchased an early Elan 15 aprox 1990 but no handbook any one know what tyre pressures should be shes wearing comercial tyres also max nose weight please
P Birkin 17 September 2013
i turn on the 12v water presser switch on to run the water pump , and i get a buzzer alarm keeps going all the it`s on. what is this
j thomson 21 August 2013
Hi i have just bought a 2003 Buccanear Caribean touring caravan and we need a manual can anybody help,thank you.
Gordon Leitchman 8 August 2013
Hi,I have brought a 1998 BUCCANEER CARIBBEAN 4 BERTH,(VGC)but need a new black electric panel front,or a diagram of panel. ANY help would be greatfull
MR DAVID S GREEN 7 August 2013
Hello. We’re using my grandparents Buccaneer Elan 12 (1986) caravan to holiday but the bathroom skylight has broken. Any idea where I could get a replacement? Please email me if you can help: contact the webmaster and I'll pass on the message
Natasha Coates 28 July 2013
I have a 1988 4 berth Clipper and it needs a skylight clip,rubber door seal, manual and awning.Can anyone help please?Thanks.Cherry
Cherry Bratkowski 11 May 2013
i own a 1987 elan 14 its in mint condition just wondering what sort of price they are going for
mark fogg 8 May 2013
I would be very grateful if you could send me a copy of your manual. TO L CURRY NO21 THANK YOU
mrs margaret small 7 May 2013
No 21 If Mrs Small would send me her e-mail I will copy my copy of the 94 Buccaneer Manual
L Curry 5 May 2013
I have a 2012 caravel and don’t know how to use the internal water tank
Roy Fearnley 7 April 2013
Has anyone got a spare nearside seat cushion? We have had a rodent invasion over the winter storade period. If not a reputable reupholstere. You help would be appreciated.
Thanking you in advance.
Alan Field 17 February 2013
please can any one help ,we have just bought a buccaneer elan 14 1994 . but there is no manual for the van .I would gladly pay for one .
mrs m small 13 January 2013
Hi, we have just bought our first caravan, a Buccaneer, but it has no date on it and we are not sure what model it is either! It’s a four berth and think it is early 80’s. The door is in the middle. The seriel number is 83144711. Can someone help??!!
Katharine 29 December 2012
looking for jockey wheel for 1985 buccukneer
m bruce 28 December 2012
We have just purchased a2013 buccaneer clipper with hosanna upholstery I believe it to be the same upholstery as 2012 model has anyone had any problems with the wear of this fabric
C Andrew 13 December 2012
Hi, I am looking for a battery box compartment to fit our 1991 schooner. Must be as original as we have restored her to like new.
Look forward to finding one.
Michael haydock 28 October 2012
if anybody could please help.
I own a buccaneer cruiser 1997 and after a recent stroke I have lost my manual.The problem is that my stroke has affected my memory and I need the manual to show me how things I have used before work as I can’t remember.It dosn’t have to be original even a photo copy of the manual would help I don’t mind paying
malcolm Johnson 18 September 2012
We have recently bought, our first caravan a 1990 Buccaneer Caravel and need an instruction manual plus window seals. Can anybody help please.
Paul Reynolds 6 September 2012
Hi I am trying to buy a 1993 buccaneer caravan, I need to register it in France and need a certificate of conformity I have tried an agent with no luck can you help? I will of course join the club if I can buy this van. Regards P Liley.
Patrick Liley 9 August 2012
You might be able to pick up some parts for a 2003 Elan 15 from Cambridge Caravans the one there is not fit for the road but some of it is in good nick.
L 4 August 2012
Hi. I have a Buccaneer Elan 14 1999 permanently sited and the control panel has stopped working, bleeping every few seconds and displaying the message bu02 (or 6u02)
Can anyone advise on this please – the consequences are no water, loo, fridge etc!
Many thanks in anticipation.
Bill Stevenson 20 July 2012
Hi Phil,
I’m not aware of a specialist. I recon you will just have to do a phone around.
Here’s a couple of made to measure window makers. I’ve no idea how good they are.
Phil 8 July 2012
Hi could you tell me if there is a speciallist breakers for Buccaneers.I have a customer who has a damaged front window. Before having a new one made, trying to replace with a second hand one would much obliged for any information yours Phil’s Mobile Caravan Service Phil Reid
phil reid 8 July 2012
I would like to sell a1991schooner end bedroom in excelent condition stored inside from new Tel. 01535 667954 day time
Mike Heaton 26 May 2012
In answer to number 14.
Mr. Michael Harvey. I would be very interested in buying your 1990 Buccaneer Caravan if you still have it for sale
Barry Burkhill 11 May 2012
I have just purchased a 1994 Elan 15 with a Knott KF 13 C HITCH. When braking the caravan bumps the car forward,i think it is the damper could you please tell me where i can get spares for this model.
Many thanks,Ian Arnold.
Ian Arnold 13 April 2012
I own a Elan 15, 2003 model built on a alko euro? chasis, I understand only 3 were ever built. I require a decal, the maroon capital E. I have been quoted silly prices (£60+) years ago by my local explorer agent. Anyone any sugestions as to a better deal.
martin 12 April 2012
martin 12 April 2012
I have a 1994 Elan15 EK which I leave in the South of France. As I closed the front roof vent/skylight before taking it to storage the handles pulled out of the top plastic cover. I have mislaid the measurements. Could anyone give me the size if the skylight please?
and Lowdhams cannot help. I would like to buy one in England and take it to France to fit it there. I made a temporary repair by fastening it down with wire. Just hope that it has during the winter.
Yours hopefully
john.m.reid 16 March 2012
hi iam trying to sell my buccaneer elan 15 1990 somthing not sure of exact year it is in mint original condition and very dry and clean a was wondering if any of your members would be interested in van it has awning and lots of extras with it its in east lothian scotland £750 ono kind regards michael harvey
michael harvey 2 March 2012
Try Googling caravan upholsterers there’s quite a few listed.
Webmaster 22 January 2012
looking for someone to
refurbish the seating ect
in my 2000 cruiser,or a
full interior,as i have had quite a bit of damage due to mice getting in while in storage.
chris liddle 22 January 2012
I have a 1988 buccaneer Elan 14, Ineed an owners manual,can you please help
Roy Balmforth 5 January 2012
Hi just bought a 1993 buccaneer cruiser, were can i get the right door hinges from
mick chew 30 November 2011
I have a 1990 Buccaneer Cruiser with an Ashwood chassis. Can I get a mover fitted
Dick Fleming 30 November 2011
I am after buying a Buccaneer Clipper 2009 model. Anyone know where I could get one?
Lynne McKevitt 13 August 2011
i have a twin axle buccaneer cruiser 3 berth 1996 i am looking for a window seal for the nearside feront window. is there a company who supplies parts my tel 01579343880
clive fowlie 11 August 2011
we need a owners manuel for a buccaneer elan 15 1992
jayne finch 14 July 2011
we have a Buccaneer clipper approx 1998? we are looking for a full awning as the one that came with it is only a porch…anyone kno where we can get one..pls…
cookie kerr 9 July 2011
Hello everyone, my wife and i have been fortunate enough to purchase our first buccaneer and we’re on the lookout for a very good TV to fit on the Clipper’s TV wall mounted bracket….. Please advise…. Kindest Rgds Carl
Carl Dermott 21 May 2011
HELLO as a new caravaner i have a buccaneer Elite 15/2 just returned from !st trip away Great but have found a dripping tap does anyone have any idea where to obtain tap washer kit have tried 3/8th but just a little large Many thanks Ron K
RON KENYON 2 May 2011
We bought a 1998 Buccaneer Cruiser LE5 last year and would like some help with the water drainage system, also any help you can offer.
Sylvia Cone 26 April 2011
hello buccaneers club member i have just perchased an buccaner cruiser twinwheel 1993/94 i am looking for a manual for this model
if you can help please email at thankyou mike
mike featherstone 8 September 2010